Here are short paragraphs of the character profiles:
Rosealee, a woman who embodied the free love movement and whose
conscious was steadfast in the seventies, wrapped her slender frame
with Indian scarves and wore a tiara of beads in her hair. She
skipped down the centre aisle of the bus, with a jovial smile. Illicit
drugs will do that.
Frank was a short man with a beard so thick it engulfed most of his
face and offered unintentional storage for misguided whole-grain o's.
He was not a natural bohemian, but used the lifestyle so exuberantly
perpetuated by his lover to escape the memories of his rigid, military
upbringing. He followed her with fixed eyes and a melancholy smile;
she was his Mecca, his life-long pilgrimage.
Will shortly be up on feathertale
that's hilarious-
She kinda looks like me back in the late 60's....
Character profiles come super natural to ya eh?
Sweet dude.
Yo man who's the blond next to you? Does Lina know?
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