Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Exclaim City Cover Guide

This piece is for a cIty guide cover. The theme is to emphasize traffic in Toronto and the essence of the city itself. The busy street corner is reminiscent of queen st throughout the day. The Art Director of Exclaim is a pleasure to work with and he made it easy to understand the concept of the illustration. The piece is a full bleed spread illustration that will fold in the middle. Will show you soon the guide when it is out.

Overall a fun piece. And look forward to working with Exclaim in the future

Monday, August 20, 2007

Applied Arts Homepage

Click here to check out Applied Arts. They are promoting the upcoming Student Awards issue. These are my entries from last year. "Archetypes" series.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

promotional material for local community center

I was approached to design the "look" of a small company that involves educating children. The small educational center is opening at a local fitness building. The name of the place 1,2,3... was assigned, overall it was a fun making this appeal to a parent and younger audience.